Thursday, October 31, 2019

Academic Argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Academic Argument - Essay Example tes need to enforce teachers to teach their cultural and social values to children so that they can reflect the signs of a strong local community when they grow up. Dewey discussed that the distinction between progressive and traditional education is not particularly meaningful: what really matters is the vision of society for action that an education embodies (Kaplan, 1997). Teachers need protection of the states even when they teach what the states want them to teach in order to perform required social development based on objectives learning. Based on a clear contract between a state or local schools and teachers, no one would criticize what the teachers teach. Moreover, increased job opportunities and a better job environment for teachers would also play a significant role in making this profession attractive for teachers. Parents have a strong concern about what teachers teach to their kids in local schools. States’ role in the development of curriculum is very important for parents to determine whether they should put their kids in public schools to learn particular curriculum of science, religion, or moral values or not. Obviously, parents play an important role of involvement and participation in terms of creating successful education endeavors. Curriculums help in determining what students need to achieve or do in any particular academic year (Perkins-Gough, 2003). Parents always expect schools to provide the best education to their children to help them in marking their educational achievements (Seginer, 1983). Performance appraisal helps in determining whether an employee is meeting the standards set by the company or not. In case of teachers, this appraisal will help in knowing whether teachers are doing their jobs in accordance with the standards or not. If a teacher is found negligent in following the standards, proper actions can be taken against him/her, whereas certain rewards and incentives can be given to the obeying teachers as

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Golden Mean Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Golden Mean - Essay Example Subjectivisms and relativism are strongly condemned in deontological systems of thought. On the contrary, one challenge about deontological moral systems is that they do not provide any clear way of resolving conflicts arising out of moral duties. Ethics of care Ethics of care is basically a normative theory of ethics which seeks to determine what makes actions right or wrong. Indeed, it is normally seen that some actions are regarded as right while others are deemed wrong. However, people might not always understand the line between right and wrong and the issues around that. Ethics of care focus on the importance of response. It totally opposes the use of universal judgment in making decisions whether right or wrong. As such, for the media practitioners, it is always important to understand some of the right or wrongs they report. According to the theory, it is seen that all individuals are normally interdependent on the achievement of their various interests. It is further seen th at some people are usually vulnerable to the choices of others and the outcomes in such cases need extra consideration. In a way, ethics of care contrasts the commonly ethical views of deontology and utilitarianism which most women view to be the right angle for looking at the concept of morality. In the media world, journalists will always encounter a number of issues relating to such contradictions and they must effectively report the right situations. In this case, there must a balanced view when looking at the concept of morality so as not to discredit any gender. Potter Box The potter box is an ethical framework that is crucial in analyzing various ethical dilemma realized in communication.... Ethics of care is basically a normative theory of ethics which seeks to determine what makes actions right or wrong. Indeed, it is normally seen that some actions are regarded as right while others are deemed wrong. However, people might not always understand the line between right and wrong and the issues around that. Ethics of care focus on the importance of response. It totally opposes the use of universal judgment in making decisions whether right or wrong. As such, for the media practitioners, it is always important to understand some of the right or wrongs they report. According to the theory, it is seen that all individuals are normally interdependent on the achievement of their various interests. It is further seen that some people are usually vulnerable to the choices of others and the outcomes in such cases need extra consideration. In a way, ethics of care contrasts the commonly ethical views of deontology and utilitarianism which most women view to be the right angle for looking at the concept of morality. In the media world, journalists will always encounter a number of issues relating to such contradictions and they must effectively report the right situations. In this case, there must a balanced view when looking at the concept of morality so as not to discredit any gender. The potter box is an ethical framework that is crucial in analyzing various ethical dilemma realized in communication. It utilizes four categories which are identified as universal in all ethical dilemmas.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

What Location Influences Foreign Direct Investment?

What Location Influences Foreign Direct Investment? Chapter 1 Introduction This chapter offers an introduction to the research, with paragraph 1.2 detailing the problem it focuses on, leading to the research question in paragraph 1.3. Paragraph 1.4 discusses the relevance of the research. The chapter ends with an outline of the thesis. The next paragraphs contain the various purposes and the general research design, and finish with the disposition of the study. 1.1 Background Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is an important source of capital and economic growth in recent business. It provides a package of new technologies, management techniques, finance and market access for the production of goods and services. However, attracting FDI is a major challenge for most host countries as they face the challenge of identifying the major factors that motivate and affect the FDI location decision. Nowadays, regions try to attract Foreign Direct Investments to stimulate their economic development (OECD, 2002a). Certain regions consider the ecological issues as well and promote sustainable FDI. Recently, while working at AgentschapNL, an agency of the Dutch secretary of Economic Affairs, the awareness for sustainable investment rose. AgentschapNL promotes sustainable development and innovation, both in the Netherlands and abroad. One region that is engaged in an initiative to attract FDI is the Swedish province Jà ¤mtland. This initiative is called Midscand and it involves stimulating business investments and cooperation (joint ventures, business development, acquisitions, strategic alliances, outsourcing and new start-ups). One of their target countries is the Netherlands. The activities that are discussed are the sectors: cleantech, tourism, mechanical industry, forestry and call centres. The scope of this research is limited to the cleantech sector. This sector deals with sustainable innovations and investments in Jà ¤mtland, with special focus on wind and bio energy. The main goal of this project is to attract new investments from the Netherlands to Swedish regions. 1.2 Problem Indication The literature dealing with FDI can be classified in two main streams, as pointed out by Agiomirgianakis, Asteriou and Papathoma (2003): the first explains the effect of FDI on the process of economic growth, while the second one goes in depth into the study of the determinants of FDI. This thesis focuses on the second part of literature. Among all the factors influencing the location decisions of FDI, the location-specific determinants need particular exploration, since they can help the host governments to attract and increase FDI inflows using several instruments (Chakrabarti, 2001). Location-specific factors will always influence the decision to enter or exit a location for investment purposes (Audretsch and Fritsch, 2002). FDI is a key element of the international economic relations as it is an engine of employment, technology transfer and improvement of productivity, which ultimately leads to economic growth. The need to attract FDI forces governments to provide a favourable climate for business activities (Nordstrom, 1991). The foreign firms can be influenced by the political and economic institutional framework of the host country, which could affect the choice of where to invest their capital (Makino and Chan, 2004). The challenge of this research is to explore which location determinants make a region attractive for FDI. The definition of the problem is: What should Swedish regions do to positively influence FDI? By presenting a thorough overview of FDI and the determinants that could influence the location choice for a company, this research aims to provide a framework, tested in interviews for the applicability of investments. 1.3 Research questions To solve the problem the following research questions are answered: What is FDI? Based on a literature review that provides theoretical information on this phenomenon. What are the location factors? Galan and Gonzales (2007) are used as basis for the location factors. Several other papers on location factors are evaluated and criticized. What does Sweden have to offer? This final question deals with the application of the theoretical framework to Swedish region as case study and the relationship between the factors they possess and the factors they need to stimulate to influence FDI. 1.4 Purpose and Objective The purpose of this thesis is to examine which regional factors influence foreign direct investments. Theories regarding FDI and location-specific characteristics will be reviewed and analysed in the theoretical framework. A thorough overview of the location factors will be part of the framework that can be used by regions, willing to attract sustainable investments. But first of all, the objective as described in the definition of the problem is to give recommendations to Swedish regions regarding the factors they should highlight to attract or influence direct foreign investment. 1.5 Research Design The literature framework is based on relevant papers. According to Ghauri (2005), theoretical data will be used to understand and interpret the research question, and it will help to â€Å"broaden the base from which scientific conclusion can be drawn†. The relevance of the papers will be based on quality. To reach the goal of collection qualitative data for the research question, a phased selection is made. The emphasis of the courses Corporate Level Strategy and Research Methods of Strategy within the master Strategic Management is on testing all data on quality. By examining the relevance, publication form and impact factor of the information, the quality of the paper will be showed. The research is divided into two parts: (1) the literature research and (2) a case study. The first part of the research is explorative, because it is intended to gain more information on the situation and to get familiar with the research area. Qualitative studies -observations and interviews- are used to gain more knowledge of the research topic (Sekaran, 2003). The research mainly relies on secondary data; books and articles by various authors are considered. Literature is compared and new insights are gained. Interviews are conducted for the verification of the interests, which are characterized as primary data. In this research, qualitative data is the main source. The time dimension of this research is cross-sectional, which implies that the research is conducted at one particular moment in time. For useful literature, the data will be collected on acknowledged databases (e.g. ABI/Inform, JCR, Web of Science). The keywords that will be used during the search period are â€Å"FDI†, â€Å"entry modes†, â€Å"choice of country†, â€Å"region†, and â€Å"location determinants†. All literature sources can be found in the list of references. The theory will be examined by a qualitative case study. Case studies are used to understand a specific case under particular circumstances (Patton, 2002). 1.6 Disposition In chapter 2 the contemporary theory that has been evaluated and reviewed is presented. An introduction will be followed by a presentation of FDI and the factors that influence the location choice, followed by the location factors that are important for wind and bio-energy. In chapter 3 the methodology is elaborated and provides a description of the way this thesis was written and the choices that are made. In the second paragraph the data and sample size are explained. Theoretical and empirical frameworks are discussed, as well as the reliability and validity of this study. In chapter 4 the participating respondents are interviewed, which leads to an analysis and concludes the empirical results. Chapter 5 includes the results of the findings and the discussion that compares the theoretical statements that were researched and found necessary for this research presented in chapter 2. The mode of procedure is explained and the model of the empirical results is presented in this part. Chapter 6 includes the answers of this research by modifying the analysis model. The conclusion is based on the discussion in chapter 5. The answers serve as a proposal for further research in a broader context and give an opportunity of generalization. Chapter 2 Theoretical framework The literature review provides the foundation for this research, through discussions of previous studies on FDI and international business. Section 2.2 offers a review of studies regarding FDI. Next, it is essential to identify the location factors that influence that move, as it contains the answer to the second research question: What are location factors? The third paragraph contains a detailed overview of the location factors. An overview of the selected factors can be found in table 1. The list contains determinants to measure the impact on the location factors and their impact on FDI. The last paragraph contains a summary of the findings and a conclusion. 2.1 What is FDI? Modern day literature increasingly concentrates on subjects covering the globalization of markets and the internationalization of companies. Governments contribute to this situation by opening their regulations with the intention to profit from a more open economy (Dunning and Nurala, 2002). The growing number of liberal policies is a driving force for companies to go abroad and make FDI (Galà ¡n and Gonzà ¡lez-Benito, 2001). There are several definitions of a foreign direct investment presented by a number of researchers. A central theme of the definitions available on FDI, with the one illustrated by Moosa (2002) as a typical example, is that the companies undertaking such a venture aspire to gain a controlling stake in the asset or entity purchased. An FDI is not to be confused with an international or portfolio investment, where the aim merely is to diversify the holdings of the firm and make a financially sound investment (Buckley, 1998). FDI is defined as a firm based in one country (the home country) owning ten per cent (10%) or more of the stock of a company located in a foreign country (the host country). This amount of stock is generally enough to give the home country firm significant control over the host country firm. Most FDI is in wholly owned or nearly wholly owned subsidiaries. Other non-equity forms of FDI include: subcontracting, management contracts, franchising, and licensing and product sharing .In view of the above, FDI can be either inward or outward. FDI is measured either as a flow (amount of investment made in one year) or a stock (the total investment accumulation at the end of the year). Outward FDI can take various forms, home country residents can: purchase existing assets in a foreign country; make new investment in property, plant equipment in a foreign country; participate in a joint venture with a local partner in a foreign country (Dunning, 1976). 2.2 Location factors 2.2.1 Introduction There is considerable literature on the determinants of location factors for multinational Corporations (MNCs) when they choose their foreign market location, but very little on the relative importance of the location factors for FDI in a specific country and industry. It is widely believed that the trend towards globalized production and marketing has major implications for the attraction of developing countries to FDI inflows. The relative importance of FDI location determinants have changed. Even though traditional determinants and the types of FDI associated with them have not disappeared as a result of globalization, their importance is said to be on the decline. More specifically, one of the most important traditional FDI determinants, the size of national markets, has decreased in importance. At the same time, cost differences between locations, the quality of infrastructure, the ease of doing business and the availability of skills have become more important (UNCTAD 1996). Li kewise, Dunning (1999) argues that the motives for and the determinants of FDI have changed. Buckley and Ghauri (2004) point to the limited attention researchers have given to the FDI location factors in the literature. They suggest that international business strategy is distinct from main stream or single country business strategy only because of differences of location. Hence, location specifics are essential to the possibility of international strategy having a distinctive content. They, too, suggest that a focus on location, and possibly the question of why locations differ, could be a response to the issue of what forms the next big question in international business research. Dunning (2008) suggests that the more recent lack of attention to location by IB scholars could have arisen from an assumption that the location decision principles are the same for both international and domestic locations. Thus, scholars were either satisfied with existing explanations or as Dunning (1998) points out maybe theywere just not interested. In attempting to determine the relevant set of location factors, Michael Porters (1990) work cited in Hodgetts (1993) offers a valuable starting point. Porter notes that success for a given industry in international competition depends on the relative strength of that industry with regards to a set of business-related features or drivers of competitiveness, namely factor conditions; demand conditions; related and supporting industries; and firm strategy, structure, and rivalry. Government and chance are seen to influence competitiveness through their impact on the above four basic drivers. This framework the drivers of competitiveness has been used in a number of studies of industries and individual economies. Porters competitiveness framework has been the subject of major criticisms. Paul Krugman (1994) specifically criticized the idea that nations, or locations, compete in the same way as firms do, and his wide-ranging critique attacks this concept. Also, the empirical evidence for national competitiveness and the policies that follow are what Krugman (1994) describes as a dangerous obsession. Another criticism is that Porter places government involvement in international business outside of the core determinants. Many authors have claimed that Porters framework pays insufficient attention to relevant specific location factors such as globalization (Dunning, 1993), multinational companies (Dunning, 1993; RugmanVerbeke, 1993), technology (Narula, 1993. Several authors have questioned the validity of the model, and the conclusions drawn from the model, for countries such as Austria (Bellak Weiss, 1993), Canada (Rugman dCruz, 1993), Hong Kong (Redding, 1994) and Mexico (Hodgetts, 1993). A lot of research interested in providing the determining factors for FDI loca tion decisions is seen to be done by managers. Some of the major studies are the following (Dunning, 2000): theories of risk diversification (Rugman, 1979); agglomeration theories (Krugman, 1993; Porter, 1994, 1996); theories related to government-induced incentives (Loree and Guisinger, 1995); and theories of location (Dunning, 1997). All these new theories are certainly insightful, but they are all context-specific, and interested solely in stressing the relevance of certain factors to the detriment of others that may be equally significant. None of them has yet provided a satisfactory explanation of the relative importance of specific factors that lead managers to locate their investments via FDI in a specific country and industry (Dunning, 2008). Dunning (2008) believes that â€Å"it is not possible to formulate a single operationally testable theory that can explain all forms of foreign-owned production any more than it is possible to construct a generalized theory to explain all forms of trade or the behaviour of all kinds of firms.† Cohen (2007) believes that location factors for a specific location and industry that affect the location decision are based on the perceptions of a small group of senior managers, not a scientific formula. Furthermore, Buckly et al(2007) argue that studying a single firm or group of firms in the same industry is the best way to identify the most important factors, because firms in the same industry usually follow a systematic process for location choices, and seek to prioritize certain location factors as they become more internationally mature. Cohen (2007) argues, â€Å"No standard set of attributes, each with an assigned relative weight of importance, exists in the many lists of what matters in location published by business groups, international organizations, and scholars. Determining where to invest is a case-by-case decision†. Cohen (2007) also suggests that no single formula exists because specific strengths and weaknesses of a country or region might receive high priority by one team of corporate evaluators and can be ignored by another, depending on what kind of investment is contemplated, which in turn will determine a subsidiarys objectives and operational needs. Furthermore, individual corporate cultures will assign a different relative importance to what attributes they require in a country, what they would like to see, what negatives they can work around, and what is unequivocally unacceptable. Calculating trade-offs between positive and negative location characteristics is an art, not a science. Galan et al (2007) conducted an empirical research into location factors that has been researched by several theorists. This list provides a detailed overview of the main location factors and sub factors considered by several empirical studies that have examined their positive or negative influence on the location decisions of MNE managers in both DCs and LDCs. All these factors are usually included in the analyses made via the eclectic paradigm (Galan et al, 2007). They recognise that MNE managers motivation to eventually choose either or both groups of host countries will depend on the specific location factors available in them. These location factors are classified in the following categories: Cost factors Market factors Infrastructure and technological factors Political and legal factors Social Cultural factors The order of this list is random. According to Noorbakhshs, Paloni and Youssef (2001), foreign investors are attracted to regions that offer a combination of the location factors. The location factors are discussed separately in the next paragraph. 2.2.1 Cost factors This paragraph contains theoretical information about the cost factor as one of the location factors. The determinants that are criticized are labour costs and cost of materials. Labour Cost The costs linked with the profitability of investment are one of the major determinants of investment (Asidu, 2002) . The rate of return on investment in a host economy influences the FDI decision. Asiedu (2002) noted that the lower the GDP per capita, the higher the rate of return and, therefore, the FDI inflow. Charkrabarti (2001) claims that wage as an indicator of labour cost has been the most arguable of all the potential determinants of FDI. There is no unanimity even among the comparatively small number of studies that have explored the role of wage in affecting FDI: results range from higher host country wages discouraging inbound FDI, to having no significant effect or even a positive association ( Dunning, 1989). Goldsbrough (1979) and Shamsuddin (1994) demonstrate that higher wages discourage FDI. Tsai (1994) obtains strong support for the cheap-labour hypothesis over the period 1983 to 1986, but weak support from 1975 to 1978. Charkrabarti (2001) stated that empirical res earch has found relative labour costs to be statistically significant, particularly for foreign investment in labour-intensive industries and for export-oriented subsidiaries. However, when the cost of labour is relatively irrelevant (when wage rates vary little from country to country), the skills of the labour force are expected to have an impact on decisions concerning FDI location. This is not the case for the investments in this case study, which is more knowledge based than labour intensive. Cheap labour is another important determinant of FDI flow to developing countries. A high wage-adjusted productivity of labour attracts efficiency-seeking FDI both aiming to produce for the host economy and for export from host countries. Studies by Wheeler and Mody (1992), Schneider and Frey (1985), and Loree and Guisinger (1995) show a positive impact of labour cost on FDI inflow. Countries with a large supply of skilled human capital attract more FDI, particularly in sectors that are relatively intensive in the use of skilled labour. Cost of Materials The analysis above leads to two variables that can be measured to determine the importance of the cost factor that is labour cost (wages). The availability of raw material and cheap labour can be of crucial importance in the choice of location. The return on investments is not important for this study, because this is not region-constrained, so it is not an important factor for a location choice. FDI uses low labour costs and available raw materials for export promotion, leading to overall output growth. 2.2.2 Market Factors This paragraph contains theoretical information about the market factor as one of the location factors. The determinants that are criticized are market size, openness of the market, labour market and economic growth. Market size The size of the host country market is a relevant determinant to the extent that the FDI is destined to serve the host market and not merely to set up an export platform. Larger markets should attract FDI because firms face economies of scale as FDI entails sunk costs (for example, in terms of adapting management to local conditions or getting familiar with host country legislation). Market growth should work in the same direction. Nunnenkamp (2002), Chakrabarti (2001) Campos and Kinoshita (2003), Braga Nonnenberg and Cardoso de Mendonca (2004), Addison and Heshmati (2003), Kolstad and Villanger, (2004) all find market size and/or growth to be relevant determinants of FDI. An economy with a large market size (along with other factors) should, therefore, attract more FDI. Market size is important for FDI as it provides potential for local sales, greater profitability of local sales to export sales and relatively diverse resources, which make local sourcing more feasible (Pfefferman and Madarassy 1992). A large market size provides more opportunities for sales and profit to foreign firms, and in doing so attracts FDI (Wang and Swain, 1995: Moore, 1993; Schneider and Frey, 1985; Frey, 1984). FDI inflow in any period is a function of market size (Wang and Swain, 1995). However, studies by Edwards (1990) and Asidu (2002) show that there is no significant impact of growth or market size on FDI inflows. Further, Loree and Guisinger (1995) and Wei (2000) find that market size and growth impact differ under different conditions. Artige and Nicolini (2005) state that market size, as measured by GDP or GDP per capita, seems to be the most robust FDI determinant in econometric studies. This is the main determinant for horizontal FDI. Jordaan (2004) mentions that FDI will move to countries with larger and expanding markets and greater purchasing power, where firms can potentially receive a higher return on their capital and by implication receive higher profit on their investments. Charkrabarti (2001) states that the market-size hypothesis supports an idea that a large market is required for efficient utilization of resources and exploitation of economies of scale: as the market-size grows to some critical value, FDI will start to increase with its further expansion. This is a questionable conclusion, because there are firms who are looking for niche markets for their products and a large expanding market is a disadvantage to them. Concluding the size of the market and the GDP of a region are not important determinants for the location choice. Openness of the Market There is mixed evidence concerning the significance of openness, which is measured mostly by the ratio of exports plus imports to GDP, in determining FDI as well (Charkrabarti 2001). Jordaan (2004) claims that the impact of openness on FDI depends on the type of investment. If the investments are market-seeking oriented, trade restrictions (and therefore less openness) could have an impact on FDI. The reason stems from the â€Å"tariff jumping† hypothesis, which argues that foreign firms that seek to serve local markets may decide to set up subsidiaries in the host country if it is difficult to import their products into the country. In distinction, multinational firms involved in export-oriented investments may choose to invest in a more liberal economy since increased imperfections that accompany trade protection generally imply higher transaction costs associated with exporting. Wheeler and Mody (1992) observe a strong positive support for this theory in the manufacturing s ector, but a weak negative link in the electronic sector. Kravis and Lipsey (1982), Culem (1988), Edwards (1990) find a strong positive effect of openness on FDI and Schmitz and Bieri (1972) obtain a weak positive link. Trade openness generally has a positive influence on the export-oriented FDI inflow into an economy (Edwards (1990), Gastanaga et al. (1998), Housmann and Fernandez-arias (2000), Asidu (2001)). In general, the empirical literature reveals that one of the important factors for attracting FDI is trade policy reform in the host country. Theoretical literature has explored the trade openness or the restrictiveness of trade policies (Bhagwati, 1973; 1994; Brecher and Diaz-Alejandro, 1977; Brecher and Findley; 1983). Investors in general prefer big markets to invest in and they like countries that have regional trade integration, as well as countries with greater investment provisions in their trade agreements. Theory does not give any clear-cut answer to the question how trade barriers affect the level of FDI flows. â€Å"Horizontal† FDI tends to replace exports if the costs of market access through exports are higher than the net costs of setting up a local plant and doing business in a foreign environment. Traditionally, governments have used trade barriers to induce â€Å"tariff-jumping FDI†, i.e. horizontal FDI that takes place to circumvent trade barriers. On the other hand, â€Å"vertical† FDI relies on a constant flow of intermediate products in and out of the host country and therefore benefits from a liberal trade environment. In that case, trade barriers should encourage â€Å"horizontal FDI† and discourage â€Å"vertical FDI† and its effect on the aggregate level of FDI depends on which type of FDI dominates. Empirical studies, however, support a positive effect of openness on FDI. Chakrabarti (2001) finds the sum of imports and exports as a share of GDP to be the variable most likely to be positively co rrelated with FDI besides market size in an extreme bounds analysis. Braga Nonnenberg and Cardoso de Mendonca (2004) and Addison and Heshemati (2003) also find this variable to be positively correlated with FDI. The problem with using trade as a share of GDP as a measure of trade policies is that it reveals a trade policy outcome, rather than trade guidelines. The openness of a market is clearly linked with the policy regulations of the potential market. Pà ¤rletun (2008) finds that trade openness is positive but statistically significant from zero. Moosa (2002) states that while access to specific markets is important, domestic market factors are predictably much less relevant in export-oriented foreign firms. A range of surveys suggests a widespread perception that â€Å"open† economies encourage more foreign investment (Moosa, 2002).Therefore, the openness of a market is relevant to the appeal of a region. Restrictions will decrease the appeal of the region. Labour market Labour is also a determinant for market factors according to Majocchi and Presutti (2009), they investigated whether entrepreneurial culture plays a role in attracting foreign direct investment (FDI). Multinationals are a network of distributed assets that contain entrepreneurial potential and are highly innovative to increase competitiveness (Rugman and Verbeke, 2001). Firms and entrepreneurs are valuable in gaining access to local knowledge. However, entrepreneurial culture may also rely on resources in the local environment, which is not mentioned in particular by Majocchi et al. (2009). In this respect, natural resources are taken for granted. The availability of a cheap workforce (particularly an educated one), personnel policy, female participation and ageing influences investment decisions and in doing so are a determinant that influences the FDI inflow. A negative effect of these determinants will lead to an increase in wages and a decline in the return of investments in the future. Due to the static framework of this thesis, these determinants are not investigated. Economic Growth If the host countrys market has a high-growth rate, it attracts more investors on a long-term basis (Chen, 2007). Economic environment growth in a country serves underlying factors when company decide which country to enter (Erramilli 1991).The role of growth in attracting FDI has also been the subject of controversy. Charkrabarti (2001) states that the growth hypothesis developed by Lim (1983) maintains that a rapidly growing economy provides relatively better opportunities for making profits than the ones growing slowly or not growing at all. Lunn (1980), Schneider and Frey (1985) and Culem (1988) find a significantly positive effect of growth on FDI, while Tsai (1994) obtains a strong support for the hypothesis over the period 1983 to 1986, but only a weak link from 1975 to 1978. On the other hand, Nigh (1985) reports a weak positive correlation for the less developed economies and a weak negative correlation for the developed countries. Gastanagaet et al. (1998) and Schneider and Frey (1985) found positive significant effects of growth on FDI FDI has the ability stimulate economic growth only in the short run while the economy is shifting from one short-lived equilibrium to another. The only source of long-term economic growth is technological progress, which is considered to be independent of investment activities. This factor is discussed in the next paragraph. However, in endogenous growth theory, the diminishing returns on investment can be avoided if there are positive externalities associated with investments (Oxelheim, 1996). If investment brings enough new knowledge and technologies, it can lead to long-term economic growth. As, typically, FDI brings new technologies and knowledge, in accordance with endogenous growth theory it can be viewed as a catalyst of long-term economic growth in a host economy. Economic growth will improve the ability to compete with other regions and this will increase the quality and ability of other location factors. The relevance of economic growth for FDI is not very clear: it depends on the distribution of the new capital. The analysis above leads to four validated variables that determine the relevance of market factors: (a) market size, (b) openness of the market, labour market and (c) economic growth. Market size is the only variable that is less important. The openness of a market and the economic growth are very important, these variables are positively linked with political, infrastructural and technological factors. An open market as well as a positive economic growth will lead to more FDI in a region. 2.2.3 Infrastructure Technologic

Friday, October 25, 2019

1015 Folsom Night :: essays research papers

There are many nightclubs in the city of San Francisco and throughout the Bay area. There is two different kind of nightclub. One is the high-class nightclub, which the cover charge is more expensive, tight security and the nightclub itself is more exclusive. The other one is the lower class club, which all people can enter and the security is not that tight. Nowadays, most nightclubs are the same. Nightclub used to be for people to meet their friends and having fun together but nowadays many people misuse nightclub as a place for using drug. I never like to go to nightclub because the place is very noisy, dark and lastly drugs are often involve in nightclub. It took me a few hours to decide which club to go. I am a person who likes to stay at home watching television, playing video games and surfing through the Internet. Well, it was very hard for me to go out, as my legs felt heavy to walk through the front door. After a long struggle, then I forced myself to go to a nightclub. My friend recommended me to go to 1015 Folsom nightclub because the songs are funkier. The club is located at Folsom street, downtown San Francisco. We arrived at 1015 Folsom around 11.45pm. Many people were still lining up to get into the discotheque. I didn't know why people like to go to such a dark and noisy place like that. Anyway, people who were there are mostly dressed up. Some of them looked interesting. My attention went to an old man about 50-60 years old man who were already dressed up and ready to rock his world. I wondered why would the old man go to a nightclub. May be he was lonely or may be he was just looking for fun and excitement. Well, I didn't really know. Ten minutes after lining up, I went inside the nightclub. From the door, I could hear the song and the beat of the bass so loud that my heart could feel it. Inside the nightclub, I saw people were dancing everywhere, on dancing floor, on their own seats, everywhere. They would dance and take a big gulp of their beer. Even the bartenders were dancing too, following the rhythm of the loud funky music. The rainbow rays of light moved through the club to make the mood even more exciting and funky.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Global Economy Essay

Below is a list of essay questions, the ONE question that you will be required to write on will be chosen from the list below. 1. Identify a current international political or economic issue and write on the cause(s) and impact globally. (500 word limit) 2. Select one project you have worked on in the past and write an evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the execution, including an assessment of your own contribution. (500 word limit) 3. Identify a key industry leader in Nigeria today and give reasons why you admire this person and outline the person’s contributions to the economy and society. 4. What is the relevance of the MBA degree in the current business environment? Is the degree necessary for success? If you miss this examination or would like to do the GMAT instead, you have until June 28, 2013 to submit your GMAT score in order to have an interview scheduled for you. For details of the GMAT, please visit www. mba. com I wish you all the best. Regards, Nubi Achebo (Dr. ) MBA Director

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Unemployment Inflation And Gdp In The Us Economics Essay

Three cardinal elements qualify the growing of an economic system. They include rate of unemployment, rising prices and assorted figures that define the Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ) . A reappraisal of these issues is indispensable in order to give the reader some good apprehension of economic growing. Harmonizing to the Bureau of Statistics, unemployment rate in the United States seems to lifting somewhat than expected. The agency maintains that 8.8 % of grownup work forces and 7.9 % of their female opposite numbers autumn under the unemployed class. In add-on, the rate of rising prices as indicated by latest study from the agency seems to on the rise. This has resulted in the overall addition of consumer monetary value index by up to 1.6 % before any signifier of seasonal accommodation. Finally figures from the Bureau of economic analysis indicate that the GDP for the 4th one-fourth of 2010 rose by 3.2 % . This is largely attributed to high demand of labour and additions in belong ings monetary values. This information is indispensable for family, investors and policy shapers towards the growing and development of the economic system.FamiliesInflation is the most pertinent issue that affects many families in the United States. Phil ‘s Stock World ( 2011 ) on his remark in the double authorization morass asserts that, harmonizing to informations from assorted transcripts, the Federal Reserve is still unconcerned about rising prices, in malice of important grounds to the contrary. In fact, the Fed is so unconcerned about rising prices that, it needed to advert â€Å" rising prices † 49 times in its study. Phil et Al ( 2011 ) goes on to add that, due to the merely passed planetary economical crisis, families should non anticipate a speedy reprieve. In fact the Fed expects the idle rate to stay â€Å" elevated † at the terminal of 2012 ; even though it claimed a lifting existent GDP might easy cut down unemployment. A study conducted on 60000 families indicates that rising prices does non offer any signifier of alteration aimed at change by reversaling the downward tendency in unemployment degrees. Morgan Stanley is of the position that although employment was reported to hold fallen by 622000, this information is still nonmeaningful. No uncertainty, monetary values of natural stuffs have risen. There are some basic grounds for this upward tendency. The planetary growing phenomenon is partially to fault. Increased demand from China, India, and Africa among others will set upward force per unit area on trade good monetary values. It is overriding to observe that trade good monetary values are besides a map of involvement rates. Low involvement rates cause a comparative addition in the value of low ended merchandises ( due to take down discounting ) , making less incentive for extraction, and cut downing the cost of keeping stock lists ( Phil et al 2011 ) .InvestorsInflation influences investor â €˜s determinations in more luxuriant ways as compared to families. With an addition in inflationary force per unit area, involvement rates will be high and hence decrease in investing. Phil et Al ( 2011 ) notes that, sing the relentless travel up in stocks, â€Å" Our market marks, breakout two degrees, and major jailbreak degrees are supplying more bullish fuel to our market thesis. † He further points out that, the U.S. bond markets were responding to inflationary concerns, ensuing in Treasury- bond outputs lifting and bond monetary values falling. Phil et al farther argues that, â€Å" It all comes back to rising prices. The Fed merely does n't believe it exists or, if it does, believes it wo n't last. It ca n't reallyA lose. The Fed can merely be incorrect this meeting and so make nil and delay until following meeting and so ‘reevaluate. ‘ Morgan et al 2011, in contrast argues that harmonizing to the FOMC proceedingss, â€Å" many participants expect that , with important slack in resource markets and longer-term rising prices outlooks stable, steps of nucleus rising prices would stay near to current degrees in coming quarters † . This means that rising prices is likely to impact investors ‘ determinations particularly in relation to short term investings.Policy MakersThe policy shapers play a major function in the running of the economic system. Morgan et Al reiterates that with the strong economic recoil, policy-makers are now following a somewhat anti-cyclical stance. The primary balance ( runing gross less entire outgo ) is expected to travel from a shortage of 0.3 % of GDP in F2010 to a excess of 0.3 % in F2011. Meanwhile, the overall budget balance ( which takes into history particular transportations, top-ups and net investing returns part ) is expected to travel from a shortage of 0.1 % of GDP in F2010 to a excess of 0.03 % in 2011. Specifically, the swing from a little shortage place to a more or less balanced bu dget is chiefly due to the addition in particular transportations being offset by cutbacks in development outgo. In add-on to that in order to hike g.d.p the Fed has a figure of tools ( such as contrary rest and clip sedimentations for depositary establishments ) to take militias from the banking system when appropriate. However, a crisp tightening in pecuniary policy is improbable. The Fed will finally hold to take the pes off the gas pedal ( non needfully â€Å" hitting the brakes † ) as a â€Å" standardization † of pecuniary policy. Removing the conditional committedness to maintain short-run involvement rates near nothing for â€Å" an drawn-out period † will depend on a alteration in the Fed ‘s declared conditions: low rates of resource use ( equivalently, an elevated unemployment rate ) ; a low implicit in tendency in rising prices ; and well-anchored rising prices outlooks ( Morgan et al 2011 ) .

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on The Red Badge

Four main characters (and one-sentence description of each) Henry Fleming (the youth) - Henry, the main character of the novel, was at first very excited to go to war joining the army against his mother’s wishes, but he finds war frightening and he becomes a coward to later become a hero. Jim Conklin (the tall soldier) - Jim was a close friend that Henry had met in the army where he gets shot and is nursed by Henry. Wilson (the loud soldier) - Wilson was a friend of Henry in the army who was at first loud and obnoxious but proves helpful when Henry became wounded. Henry’s mother - She shows up at the beginning of the book and tells Henry that she does not want him joining the army, but wishes him luck when he does anyway. Two minor characters (and one-sentence description of each) Tattered soldier - He pestered Henry at the camp before they set off to fight. Cheery soldier - He helped Henry back to camp after Henry fled. Three main settings (and one sentence description of each) The forest - All of the fighting occurs in the forest where Henry learns about fear and valor. The camp - This is the Union base where the army set up for the night. One paragraph plot outline The book starts out with a new regiment for the Union army waiting around for some fighting. Jim Conklin, a friend of the main character, Henry Fleming, hears some rumors about their next movements. He tells the other soldiers of the rumors telling them that they’re going to go around the enemy and attack them from behind. Sure enough, a few days later, they start marching and they attack. This is the first battle for the regiment so a few soldiers, including Henry Fleming, desert the regiment. After Henry deserts, he finds Jim and walks with him for a while before Jim dies. Henry wanders about a bit and gets in a fight with another lost soldier of the Union army who hits him across the head with the butt of his rifle causing Henry to bl... Free Essays on The Red Badge Free Essays on The Red Badge Four main characters (and one-sentence description of each) Henry Fleming (the youth) - Henry, the main character of the novel, was at first very excited to go to war joining the army against his mother’s wishes, but he finds war frightening and he becomes a coward to later become a hero. Jim Conklin (the tall soldier) - Jim was a close friend that Henry had met in the army where he gets shot and is nursed by Henry. Wilson (the loud soldier) - Wilson was a friend of Henry in the army who was at first loud and obnoxious but proves helpful when Henry became wounded. Henry’s mother - She shows up at the beginning of the book and tells Henry that she does not want him joining the army, but wishes him luck when he does anyway. Two minor characters (and one-sentence description of each) Tattered soldier - He pestered Henry at the camp before they set off to fight. Cheery soldier - He helped Henry back to camp after Henry fled. Three main settings (and one sentence description of each) The forest - All of the fighting occurs in the forest where Henry learns about fear and valor. The camp - This is the Union base where the army set up for the night. One paragraph plot outline The book starts out with a new regiment for the Union army waiting around for some fighting. Jim Conklin, a friend of the main character, Henry Fleming, hears some rumors about their next movements. He tells the other soldiers of the rumors telling them that they’re going to go around the enemy and attack them from behind. Sure enough, a few days later, they start marching and they attack. This is the first battle for the regiment so a few soldiers, including Henry Fleming, desert the regiment. After Henry deserts, he finds Jim and walks with him for a while before Jim dies. Henry wanders about a bit and gets in a fight with another lost soldier of the Union army who hits him across the head with the butt of his rifle causing Henry to bl...

Monday, October 21, 2019

become President

On Tuesday, November 7, millions of Americans went to the polls to place their votes for our nations next president. Little did these men and women know that their votes would be so important in this election. The race between presidential candidates Albert Gore and George W. Bush has been the closest in decades, and one week after Election Day, the United States is still without a president-elect. As the nation keeps its eyes on the recounts in Florida to see who will earn the states 25 electoral votes, many Americans are still wondering how the Electoral College system works. Times like these remind us of the important role that the Electoral College plays in electing a President. Established by the founding fathers as a compromise between election of the president by Congress and election by popular vote, the Electoral College has played a pivotal role in presidential elections since its conception. Only once in our history, has a candidate won the popular vote and lost the election. This was in 1888 when Democratic candidate Grover Cleveland won the popular vote but lost the Electoral College vote by 65 votes to Benjamin Harrison. Perhaps we will see history repeat itself in the 2000 election. Today, a candidate must win 270 electoral votes, a majority, to become President. The candidate that receives a majority of the vote in any given state takes all of the States electoral votes. If no presidential candidate wins a majority of electoral votes, the 12th Amendment to the Constitution provides for the presidential election to be decided by the House of Representatives. The House would select the President by majority vote, choosing from the three candidates who received the greatest number of electoral votes. The vote would be taken by State, with each State delegation having one vote. This has only happened twice in American history, Thomas Jefferson's election in 1801 and John Quincy Adam'...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Brain Mechanisms Controlling Drug Addiction Reinforcement

Brain Mechanisms Controlling Drug Addiction Reinforcement Discuss how theories relate drug addiction to endogenous brain mechanisms controlling reinforcement, and look at how these theories may be used to improve the effectiveness of treatment of addiction In psycho-biological terms addiction is regarded as the perceived need for a drug or substance and the potential for the subsequent re-use of that substance often manifesting itself in a pattern of drug induced behaviour. This has indicated a connection between the behavioural pattern of a user and the biological cravings that are associated with this pattern of behaviour. Due to this relationship between dependent and abusive behaviour patterns and the biological and psychological cravings for the wanted substances, research has gone into establishing the effects of drug addiction and their basis in psychology resulting in many neurobiological models. In terms of patterns of behaviour, operant conditioning provides a convenient, easy and reliable way of adjusting any subject’s pa ttern of behaviour under the conditioning of a controlled and changeable environmental. This has been conducted in research in an easily observable manner that was then able to account for factors pertaining to addiction and the potential for abuse through accordance to a pre-devised model. Through the notions of positive regard, response and reward and through shaping behaviours this could then be adjusted to test any independent variable. This acts as a convenient methodology for observing the effects of drugs and was devised by early Psychopharmacological researchers in a bid to examine the relationship between drug use and behaviour patterns. One such piece of seminal research that incorporated this relationship was conducted by Dews (1953). In his founding study, Dew began a program of operant studies in an attempt to observe the behavioural effects of drugs to see how it could act as a precursor for addiction. His initial experiments on the behavioural patterns observed in ani mals led to the establishment that a schedule of reinforcement maintaining a pattern of behaviour could play a critical role in determining the effects of a drug (Dews, 1955). Through operant conditioning and behavioural observation he was able to discern that the dose-effects of the drugs used in his experiment varied in terms of performances that were maintained under two different schedules of reinforcement. However, he was also able to observe that there was a dose range in which the rate of behaviour would increase in one schedule condition, whilst it decreased in the other condition. This was an early indication that drug addiction depended upon the schedule as much as it did the dosage. Essentially, addiction was determined by patterns of behaviour as much as patterns of behaviour were determined by drug usage. In these early experiments, Dews was able to ascertain that stimulants would increase the probability of a pattern of behaviour as it pertained to the relevant classif ication of a drug. However, he was also able to note that the drug could decrease the probability of any given pattern of behaviour itself. This research indicated that there was a variety of concepts at play within the role of addiction, such as tolerance, abuse, dependency and reward. In contemporary research, we can see that these factors have been incorporated in an attempt to identify the mechanisms in the brain that lead to dependency, abuse and addiction through the parsing of reward. This was devised by Berridge et al (2003) as the investigation to find the neuro-pharmacological basis for three main psychological components essential to the parsing of reward and onset of addiction. These were the concepts of learning that included the explicit and implicit knowledge produced by associative conditioning and cognitive processes, an affect or emotion such as implicit ‘liking’ and conscious pleasure associated with the experience of the drug, and motivation; suggest ed as the implicit incentive salient ‘wanting’ and the accompanying cognitive incentive goals. Essentially, this three way split revealed that learning (Dews schedules of reinforcement), craving (the perceived effect of the drug) and habit (Dews patterns of behaviour) were the major contributing and operating factors in the role of addiction.

Friday, October 18, 2019

The New Employee Orientation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The New Employee Orientation - Assignment Example The fright of the newness often make one coil and feel withdrawn, yet at the same time there is the joy of joining a new workforce. Just like embracing what a new day presents, a new employee must seek to embrace the cultural climate in the new work environment before he/she can criticize or become judgmental like in the case presented by Schein (2009). The author presents a case of a CEO (Chief Executive Officer) who became judgmental few days after being posted into a new environment. The surest way of learning a particular corporate culture is by understanding one’s role and how that role fits into the whole organization (Lawson, 2006). Embracing the organization culture involves getting to understand the organization’s mission, objectives, policies and structure (Schein, 2009). The various challenges that come with each new day are like the giants in the â€Å"Giant Tales† which are there not stop one from sojourning ahead but they present a venue for growth and innovation (Cromie, 2008). Notably, the presented opportunities evoke every creative spirit as well as create the good working environment rich with experiences of others to learn from (Baek, 2006). It is worth noting that the success of one in the new environment is basically pegged on the willingness of the new individual to learn and so embrace the new work

The question is on karen tranberg hansen's book salaula. the world of Essay

The question is on karen tranberg hansen's book salaula. the world of secondhand clothing and zambia - Essay Example The country, which takes its name from the river Zambezi, has been on a path of continual economic decline due to the continuing low worldwide market for copper (the main export of Zambia) and a reduction in the country’s copper reserves. After late 19th century, the flourishing trade in secondhand clothing in the West (in London, a great clothes market rejoiced in the name of ‘Petticoat Lane’) dried up mainly because imports of new clothing from developing countries were easily available and affordable. Of total world exports of secondhand clothing (estimated by the United Nations in 1995 at 1.4 billion, the U.S. being the biggest exporter), about a quarter goes to sub-Saharan Africa. In the early 1990s secondhand clothes were America’s eighth largest export to the region. Britons are known to discard about 1 million tons of old clothes each year: this figure does not include an estimated 200,000 tons of old clothes that are recycled to be worn again or used in the industry. There are two social groups discussed in the book. The first is â€Å"Rainbow Children’s Hospice† in Leicester in the U.K that raises funds for charity. The second is â€Å"Scope†, an organization in the U.K to help people with cerebral palsy. Scope has about 900 clothes banks in the U.K; 760 of them are owned directly by it; the balance 140 are owned by sub-dealers (such as Ragtex U.K located in Ashby-da-la-Zouch) licensed to use the Scope name. Each sub-dealer donates  £100 a year to Scope’s charity fund. Dana Simons, the owner of the blouse that makes the historic journey in the novel, is a high school teacher who teaches home economics, food and nutrition in a school in Leicester. Dana is also a professional fundraiser at the Rainbow Children’s Hospice in the same city. Gerald Commel is the Managing Director of Ragtex U.K, sub-dealer of Scope’s clothes banks, which operates a textile recycling plant

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Governance and Business Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Governance and Business Strategy - Essay Example It leads to the expansion of the hidden economy not only not only because of tax rates or social security rates, but for the arbitrary and inefficient implementation of regulatory and tax regimes in the economy with the existence of corruption. Having implications on the various aspects of the economy, the present project seeks to bring forth these implications of corruption in the economy. Critical reviews are provided with regards to the implications of corruption on the economic development of a nation (CSD, 2005, p.73). Corruption and Economic Development-Critical Analysis The empirical and theoretical debate on the effects of corruption on the economic development of nations remains unclear and unresolved. Available nationwide evidences show that the economic implications of corruption on economic development of nations can be either positive or negative. Previous empirical literature has tried to explore the relationship between corruption and development in great detail and ha s come up with surprising results. It is seen that corruption affects developing and developed countries differently. This is on account of the fact they differ significantly in terms of their economic and cultural characteristics but are plagued by similar levels of corruption in their economies (Kutan, Douglas & Judge, n.d., p.2). Some researchers have argued over the fact that corruption has negative effects on the economic development of nations as it redirects the nation’s resources into unproductive directions and consequently distorts the normal functioning of the economy. Tanzi and Davoodi (1997) has out firth four different channels through which corruption can have damaging implications over the economic growth of nations. These are high public investments; low revenue by the government; low expenses on business maintenance and operations and; poor quality of public infrastructure. On the other hand, some researchers have declared that corruption can be economically favourable in certain nations under certain circumstances as it triggers efficient government services in the form of bypassing such aspects like inefficient regulations and red tapes (Kutan, Douglas & Judge, n.d., p.3). Bureaucratic corruption can also be influenced by economic development. This is considered to be two-way causality and can be demonstrated through threshold effects as well as multiple equilibrium which form grounds for varying incidence of corruption across different countries (Blackburn, Bose & Haque, 2005, p.21). Implications of corruption on the economic activities are studied from many different perspectives. Mauro (1995), has tried to identify the effects of corruption and various other institutional factors includes red tapes, efficiency of the judicial system, political stability on the economic development of 67 nations across the world between the period 1980 and 1983. This analysis revealed that corruption reduced private investments considerably. Influe ncing investments corruption alters the composition of the government expenditures particularly reducing its share on its spending on education in the economy. Research conducted by Tanzi and Davoodi (1997) revealed that high corruption causes higher public investments, low revenues for the government, low expenditures on maintenance and o

Kant, Mill and Socrates (Meno) on deontology and utilitarian scenario Essay

Kant, Mill and Socrates (Meno) on deontology and utilitarian scenario - Essay Example More important, the duty is based on doing to others what they would do unto you. From the deontological response, there would not be a response that is violent or which tries to cause harm to anyone in Al Qaeda. The first reason is because it is assumed that there are men, women and children that may be harmed with an attack or violent component to Al Qaeda, which would unnecessarily hurt others. The second is because the terrorists may seek destruction, but the attacks in recent times were not launched, making the attack only one of revenge. This doesn’t follow a moral obligation or right. The only fair way to act with the deontological morality as the basis is to find Al Qaeda and to take two approaches. The first would be to arrest him and hold trial for the past problems which have arisen. However, to do this, there would need to be consideration from the government where Al Qaeda is hiding. The second would be to find where the individuals are, make sure there are substantial evidence, then try to take the individuals without violent actions so they can be detained and questioned. This particular approach is one that is justified and is morally just according to the approach, specifically because it doesn’t harm others, it holds to human rights and universal truth and it doesn’t create any conflicting duties because it abides by because laws of justice. The one aspect of the deontological morality which can be used to justify the al Qaeda concepts and to take action is based on the ability to act for human rights and universal truth. There is the abil ity for the government to act within the means of offering a justification and trying to stop the attacks from happening. Since there is information on where the location of al Qaeda is, as well as alternatives that are known about the specific approach, there is also the ability to create a tactic and set of techniques that will stop any further attacks without harming the individuals which are surrounding the area and which may become victim to the attacks unnecessarily. The ideals of Kant with the deontological viewpoint would be opposed from the utilitarianist approach. In this instance, there is the focus on actions promoting the greatest good for the greatest number. In the scenario, the approach would be to attack al Qaeda and to use whatever means necessary to stop them from functioning. Violent outbreaks, the need to attack the space in which they are in and responding in terms of moral rights that are based on clear cut actions would be justified. If it is expected that al Qaeda is expecting to dispatch destruction on various targets worldwide, then the moral thing to do would be to stop them from acting and to ensure that they don’t harm the majority of the nations that would be involved in the attacks. Even though this would mean that some casualties would occur that held a sense of innocence, there would still be the ability to save the greatest number of people by blockading the attacks. Even though this specific approach would create a direct attack, there are also assumptions which are considered and which state that there are unknowns with stopping al

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Personal development plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Personal development plan - Essay Example Upon discussing the important key skills as a promising young Civil Engineer, strategic ways on how I manage to improve my technical knowledge, other related skills, and career path on building construction be tackled in details. Among the important key skills of a promising young civil engineer includes: a good leadership skill, creativity and technical knowledge required in leading a construction project, and good communication skills. Since civil engineers are planners who are responsible in managing people, a good leadership skill is necessary to ensure that internal conflicts are avoided and/or well-negotiated. One of the best ways to win the trust and respect of fellow engineers and subordinates is to show competitive technical knowledge needed when managing a construction project. To avoid unnecessary human errors caused by miscommunication, civil engineers should improve their communication skills at all levels. Since I was 6 years old, my father who works as an engineer introduced me to a lot of basic engineering theories and concepts. Having a strong basic engineering background made me develop enthusiasm in learning and knowing how buildings, roads, and bridges are being constructed. With the purpose of fulfilling my future goals, I managed to earn a diploma on Civil Engineering at the Technology College of Onizah right I graduated from high school. To further enhance my knowledge and skills as a civil engineer, I went through another year of professional training at the Council of Badaya. Because of my desire to pursue a career in Civil Engineering, I spent a lot of time reading building construction and architectural books during my free time. I read books not only regarding how each buildings, roads, and bridges are uniquely designed, constructed, and maintained but also books related to physics, mathematics, and project management related to civil engineering. Aside from

Kant, Mill and Socrates (Meno) on deontology and utilitarian scenario Essay

Kant, Mill and Socrates (Meno) on deontology and utilitarian scenario - Essay Example More important, the duty is based on doing to others what they would do unto you. From the deontological response, there would not be a response that is violent or which tries to cause harm to anyone in Al Qaeda. The first reason is because it is assumed that there are men, women and children that may be harmed with an attack or violent component to Al Qaeda, which would unnecessarily hurt others. The second is because the terrorists may seek destruction, but the attacks in recent times were not launched, making the attack only one of revenge. This doesn’t follow a moral obligation or right. The only fair way to act with the deontological morality as the basis is to find Al Qaeda and to take two approaches. The first would be to arrest him and hold trial for the past problems which have arisen. However, to do this, there would need to be consideration from the government where Al Qaeda is hiding. The second would be to find where the individuals are, make sure there are substantial evidence, then try to take the individuals without violent actions so they can be detained and questioned. This particular approach is one that is justified and is morally just according to the approach, specifically because it doesn’t harm others, it holds to human rights and universal truth and it doesn’t create any conflicting duties because it abides by because laws of justice. The one aspect of the deontological morality which can be used to justify the al Qaeda concepts and to take action is based on the ability to act for human rights and universal truth. There is the abil ity for the government to act within the means of offering a justification and trying to stop the attacks from happening. Since there is information on where the location of al Qaeda is, as well as alternatives that are known about the specific approach, there is also the ability to create a tactic and set of techniques that will stop any further attacks without harming the individuals which are surrounding the area and which may become victim to the attacks unnecessarily. The ideals of Kant with the deontological viewpoint would be opposed from the utilitarianist approach. In this instance, there is the focus on actions promoting the greatest good for the greatest number. In the scenario, the approach would be to attack al Qaeda and to use whatever means necessary to stop them from functioning. Violent outbreaks, the need to attack the space in which they are in and responding in terms of moral rights that are based on clear cut actions would be justified. If it is expected that al Qaeda is expecting to dispatch destruction on various targets worldwide, then the moral thing to do would be to stop them from acting and to ensure that they don’t harm the majority of the nations that would be involved in the attacks. Even though this would mean that some casualties would occur that held a sense of innocence, there would still be the ability to save the greatest number of people by blockading the attacks. Even though this specific approach would create a direct attack, there are also assumptions which are considered and which state that there are unknowns with stopping al

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Analysis on All the pretty Horses Essay Example for Free

Analysis on All the pretty Horses Essay The title of Cormac McCarthys novel All the Pretty Horses, reflects the significance and variance of roles that horses play in this coming-of-age story, as they relate to John Grady Cole who is the focus of the novel. The horse, which was the social foundation of Western American culture then, is described as an economical and practical asset to the boys John Grady and Lacey Rawlins. However, the author also describes horses abstract qualities using idyllic and impassioned diction, depicting them as animals of a highly advanced spiritual nature, similar to humans in some ways. John Grady has an intimate relationship with all horses and understands the world of horses extraordinarily well. On his journey from Texas to Mexico, he learns that the world of men is very different from that of horses and is forced to rethink about the relationship between humans and horses. John discovers that his preconceived notions about men and human society are false. He finds that they do not live in a romantic world, as he had believed. Therefore, the title that McCarthy has chosen is ironic and symbolizes the change that John experiences. The author uses the title to represent Johns initial perspective on the world, which turns out to be the opposite later on. Johns life, like all of Western American society during the timeframe of the story, revolved around horses. In fact, I think that he is able to understand the horses more than he does about men. The horses in the novel represent strength, untamed passion, and most importantly, freedom of spirit. The veneration that the vaqueros have for horses is apparent in the tales Luis tells the boys. the old man only said that it was pointless to speak of there being no horses in the world for God would not permit such a thing (111). I feel that this quote demonstrates to the readers very well on the strong feelings of passion of the vaqueros, cattle-ranchers, that they value horses so highly that they are able to regard themselves as nearly divine. It also reinforces Johns romantic notion that horses are highly spiritual beings. Like the vaqueros, the boys respect the horses, and these animals play large roles in their lives. The boys use horses in many ways throughout the novel, such as companions and as means of transportation or escape. John even has dreams about horses, as his thoughts were of horsesstill wild on the mesa whod never seen a man afoot and who knew nothing of him or his life yet in whose souls he would come to reside forever (118). This style of expression used in referring to horses here wild and souls is idealistic and almost poetic. Furthermore, the fact that John dreams about horses in this way and that he wants to reside forever in their souls shows that he, like the vaqueros, thinks of them very highly. Throughout the novel, the author does not fail to use romantic and emotional language to describe horses and their connections to humans. By using venerating diction in describing the horses, the author portrays these animals as noble being with wild spirits. Besides that, with vivid imagery, the author is able to paint us a poignant picture of horses. The painted ponies and the riders of that lost nation came down out of the north with their faces chalked and their long hair plaited and each armed for war which was their lifeWhen the wind was in the north you could hear them, the horses and the breath of the horses and the horses hooves that were shod in rawhide (5). This introduction of horses in the beginning of the novel demonstrates the passion and dedication that the author attributes to horses. The mood created by words such as painted ponies and the breath of the horses is passionate and emotionally charged. The author also continues to describe the raw energy and life that f lows through the horses. John Gradywas holding the horsewith the long bony head pressed against his chest and the hot sweet breath of it flooding up from the dark wells of its nostrils over his face and neck like news from another world (103). These metaphors such as the dark wells of its nostrils and news from another world create a forceful likeness of mysterious animals with a nature that is foreign to humans. The horses hot sweet breathflooding up displays the life and energy that fill the horses. This mysterious energy is also apparent later, when the author writes, He rode the last five horsesthe horses dancing, turning in the light, their red eyes flashingthey moved with an air of great elegance and seemliness (107). This imagery of red eyes flashing and horses dancing is very mysterious yet still striking. The descriptive detail is very cinematic, and any of these scenes could easily be made into a movie. These extremely in depth  descriptions are so exaggerated that they are almost unrealistic, but they are able to create the desired effect in making horses seem mystical and bizarre. These are the romantic creatures that John sees, the pretty horses that can be taken off the title. John Gradys connection with horses is as mystical as the horses themselves. He is one way or another, able to communicate with all horses on a deeper level than any other character in the story. This is evident on the Hacienda in the scene in which John and Rawlins are breaking some new horses. John cupped his hand over the horses eyes and stroked them and he did not stop talking to the horse at all, speaking in a low steady voice and telling it all that he intended to do and cupping the animals eyes and stroking the terror out (103). Johns ability to stroke the terror out of the horses is just like in a case of a parent calming a frightened child. Obviously, he must have some natural tie with these animals if he is able to do this. Indeed, the author has already unambiguously stated that such a bond does exist between John Grady and the horses earlier on when he writes, The boy who rode on slightly before him sat a horse not only as if he had been born to it which he was but as if were he begot by malice or mischance into some queer land where horses never were he would have found them anyway (23). This passage shows that Johns relationship with horses extends into the metaphysical range, a view that is reinforced throughout the novel as more is revealed about John Grady and the horses. As Luis says, the horse shares a common soulif a person understood the soul of the horse then he would understand all horses that ever were (111). It seems like as if the author is trying to tell us that John Grady has this ability to be familiar with the soul of the horse, and that is why his relationship with horses is so unique. Johns reliance on his knowledge of horses as a guide in the world of men eventually reveals to him that the two species are actually very different. When John starts out on his journey, he has very little knowledge about the inner workings of the human society, but he has superficially assumed men and horses to be similar. As the author writes in the opening of the novel, What he loved in horses he loved in men, the blood and the heat of the blood that ran them. All his reverence and all his fondness and all the leanings of his life were for the ardenthearted and they would always be so and never be otherwise (6). John knows that horses are ardenthearted and believes that men must be the same too. He thinks that his journey will be a romantic and passionate one, like the horses he loves, and will strengthen his view of the world. However, he soon learns that his assumption is not what the reality is. Before anything unfortunate happens to him, John hears from Luis that among men there was no such communion as among horses and the notion that men can be understood at all is probably an illusion (111). The first doubts then began to creep into Johns mind, and eventually, he finds out about this personally. Instead of pretty horses, Johns journey is filled with murder and stealing, prison and broken hearts. His ill-fated journey proves clearly about Luis point, and totally destroys Johns belief that the world of men is at all an understandable thing. Finally, when it is all over, he returns home disappointed, only to find that both his father and his Abuela have died. Johns fanciful concept of the world of men now has been completely replaced by a world thatseemed to care nothing for the old or the young or rich or poor or dark or pale or he or she. Nothing for their struggles, nothing for their names. Nothing for the living or the dead (301). The world of all the pretty horses is nothing to him now but a distant memory. This reveals the titles irony, a story titled All the Pretty Horses would apparently never involve the death and violence that is included in Johns travels. Indeed, John has come full circle and realized that his original assumptions about men were false. The title of McCarthys novel All the Pretty Horses is not meant to be taken literally. Before he runs away, John Grady believes in the world of all the pretty horses, because he has never known anything else. However, his time in Mexico disheartens him and forces him to believe otherwise, that the real world is not so simple, carefree, or innocent. John learns that the romanticism that he ascribes to horses cannot be applied to men. John respects horses and experiences the praise of these animals in the folklore of the day. His relationship with horses exists on many levels, by being his  transportation, his friends, and his spiritual companions. Furthermore, the author illustrates the horses with emotional diction creating almost a motif of passion whenever horses are described. Johns unusual understanding of the fervent spirit of horses leads him to believe that men are the same. However, on his bleak and disappointing journey, he learns that men do not have the same passion of s pirit as horses. Instead, they are unpredictable, violent creatures, and their world is certainly not always pretty. I think that it is utterly important for us as readers to understand what the author is trying to tell us by looking at the title and try to understand deeper with the details that the author provides us. Initially I thought that this novel is just going to give details of various horses that man uses in many different ways. However, I was completely wrong on making the judgment by its cover title. This novel teaches us about the reality in human world that no one will be able to predict what is going happen. He illustrates the morals and ethics that have survived throughout the ages, while ending up with nothing else is left, leaving only memories to be reminders of the mysterious and naturally beautiful time period. I am sure after reading this novel, one would never be able to forget the pain, suffering, romance, and above all loyalty inscribed on its pages or in the memories of those who lived through it.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Analysing Fire Regulation In Malaysia Engineering Essay

Analysing Fire Regulation In Malaysia Engineering Essay In Malaysia, Fire Rescue Department or popularly known as Bomba is the fire and rescue services agency. The fire safety standards must be implemented by following the regulations in the Uniform Building By-Law (UBBL) 1984, National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Codes and Standards and Fire Services Act 1988. 2.1.1 Uniform Building By-Law (UBBL) 1984 Uniform Building By-Law (UBBL) 1984 is a published document, which is used as a required safety standard and also is emphasized by the government. The Standing Committee recommended that life safety of the building occupants must be considered first and it is to be achieved by giving the minimum requirement regarding to the various aspects. The various aspects refer to egress for the occupants, spread of fire within the building or from one building to another one building and means of detection and extinguishing of fires. In UBBL 1984, 80 percent emphasized on life safety requirement and 20 percent are remaining on the property protection of a building (Goh, 2009). Besides, the basic requirements of the UBBL are adequate fire protection materials and construction system to make sure the safety of the life and property in the building during the fire. Furthermore, UBBL 1984 also stated some fire requirements regarding the construction design in order to minimize and decrease the risk of fire. Automatic fire sprinkler system is mentioned in Uniform Building By-Law 1984 at Part VIII (Fire Alarm, Fire Detection, Fire Extinguishment and Fire Fighting Access). 2.1.2 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) National Fire Protection Association is an international non-profit organization which is authorized on fire, electrical and building safety. The NFPA was established in 1896 and it serves as the worlds leading advocate in fire prevention and is an authoritative source for information on fire safety (Tharmarajan, 2007). Besides that, NFPA develops, publishes, and disseminates about 300 consensus codes and standards which intended to minimize the effects of fire and other risk. Actually for every building, process, service, design, and installation in society today is already affected by NFPA documents (National Fire Protection Association, 2009). Automatic fire sprinkler is mentioned in NFPA 13 (Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems), NFPA 25 (Standard for the Inspection, Testing, Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection System) 2.1.3 Fire Services Act 1988 The Fire Services Act 1988 is implemented to make necessary provision for the effective and efficient functioning of the fire Services Department. In addition, this act is also for the protection of person and property from fire risks and other purposes connected therewith. This Act most likely explains the duties of the Fire service Department, which consists of implementing fire prevention, fire safety inspection and fire hazard abatement, investigation and prosecution (Tharmarajan, 2007). 2.2 Types of fire sprinkler systems Fire sprinkler systems are the most important and successful of the fire fighting systems. There are five main types of fire sprinkler system which are wet pipe, dry pipe, pre-action, re-cycling and alternate wet and dry pipe. The three additional types of fire sprinkler system which are tail-end alternate, tail-end dry pipe and deluge. These three systems may be combined with wet pipe and/or alternate wet and dry pipe sprinkler system to form extensions. The type of sprinkler systems to be selected for the building will be depended on type of building and type of materials to be protected (Hassan, 1996). For example, a storage facility that stores highly flammable liquids will need a different sprinkler system from a shopping centre. 2.2.1 Wet pipe system Wet pipe systems are the most common fire sprinkler system that have been using in the building. This sprinkler system is suitable used in heated buildings where temperatures remain above 0 and there is no risk of the water in the sprinkler system freezing (Hassan, 1996). Water is constantly maintained within the distribution piping. When a fire produced the heat, it will cause the nearest sprinkler heads to open at their operating temperature. Water will immediately discharged onto the fire, at the same time the flow of water activates a hydraulically operated alarm bell outside the building and arrangements can also be made to alert the local Fire Brigade (Hassan, 1996). Figure 2.1 shows a typical wet sprinkler system where the water supply is taken directly from the water main. Figure 2.2 shows how the pipe connected the alarm valve to an alarm gong and turbine. The total number of sprinklers that connected to an installation will be different for light hazard, ordinary hazard and high hazard and, depending on the circumstances. Besides that, the number of sprinklers system fitted to each installation will vary over the range of 500 to 1000 (Hassan, 1996). When fire sprinkler systems installed in a high rise building, the difference in height between the lowest and the highest sprinkler in an installation must not be greater than 45 meters (Hassan, 1996). Distribution pipes are to be connected independently to the main rise pipe at the floor being served and no section shall extend to more than one floor, mean that each section being served by a separate main rise pipe. Figure 2.1 Figure 2.2 Advantages of wet pipe sprinkler system Simplicity and reliability system Wet pipe sprinkler systems have the fewest number of components and require less installation time compare to other systems. Due to the systems simplicity, the system maintenance may not be performed as the desired frequency. The reliability of wet pipe sprinkler system is important since sprinklers may be used to standby for many years before they are needed (API Group, 2003). Financial saving The installation and maintenance expense for wet pipe sprinkler system are relative low (API Group, 2003). It is because wet pipe sprinkler systems require least amount of installation time and also less service time is required. Ease of modification The works to modify the wet pipe sprinkler system include shutting down the water supply, draining pipes and making alterations. After then, the following work is to pressure test the system and restore it. Additional work for detection and special control equipment is avoidable which may saves the time and cost (API Group, 2003). Shorter time to repair after fire Wet pipe sprinkler systems require the least amount of effort and time to restore after a fire (API Group, 2003). In most instances, fire sprinkler is reinstated by replacing the fused sprinklers and turning the water supply back on. For other types of sprinkler systems, it may require additional effort to reset control equipment. Disadvantages of wet pipe sprinkler system The disadvantages of wet pipe sprinkler system are that it cannot be installed in an area where distribution pipes are exposed to freezing temperatures. It is because the water inside the distribution pipe will become solid if exposed to freezing temperatures. 2.2.2 Dry pipe system This system may only be used in the conditions that it is impossible to use a wet pipe system, or alternate wet and dry type system. Dry pipe sprinkler systems are installed in areas where distribution pipes are exposed to freezing temperatures. For example, dry pipe sprinkler systems will be installed at unheated buildings and parking garages. The system between dry pipe system and wet pipe system are different. The difference is that, wet pipe sprinkler systems contain water but dry pipe sprinkler systems contain compressed air. The compressed air is supplied by an electric air compressor, nitrogen bottles, or other source. In addition, the air pressure inside the pipes that is about one-third to one-half times greater than the maximum water pressure. Dry pipe sprinkler systems have a valve clapper and alarm port. The function of dry pipe valve clapper is to separate between air pressure and water pressure at the valve interface. When a fire starts, fire release the heat causes a sprinkler head to open and the compressed air would be released. Once this happened, water will enter the pipe and flowing through open sprinkler onto the fire. Due to this system is liable to suffer frost damage, it is important that the pipe work should be self-draining and sprinkler heads must be fitted above the range pipes. The number of sprinkler fitted to each installation shall be within the range 125 to 500, and depends on whether or not an accelerator has been fitted to the system (Hassan, 1996). Figure 2.3 shows how sprinkler heads fitted above the range pipe. Figure 2.3(Sources from Hassan, 1996) Advantages of dry pipe sprinkler system Suitable for freezing temperatures Dry pipe sprinkler systems are suitable to be installed in areas where distribution pipes are exposed to freezing temperatures. For example, dry pipe installations include unheated buildings and parking garages. Suitable for water sensitive areas The advantage of dry pipe sprinkler systems is that it is suitable to be used to protect collections and other water sensitive areas while the wet pipe system does not. While a physical damage on the wet pipe sprinkler systems will cause the pipes leaking, dry pipe sprinkler system will not. It will take 1 minute to release the air inside the pipes before water flowing. Disadvantages of dry pipe sprinkler system Increased complexity According to API Group, dry pipe sprinkler systems require additional control equipment and air pressure supply components which will increase complexity of the systems. If proper maintenance is not followed for this sprinkler system, the system would be less reliable. Higher installation and maintenance cost The installation cost for dry pipe sprinkler system will be higher since the complexity level is higher and installation time is longer compare to wet pipe system. Besides that, the maintenance cost will also be higher due to labour skill is required to maintain this complex sprinkler systems. Lower design flexibility There are strict requirements regarding the maximum permitted size of individual dry pipe systems (API Group, 2003). These limitations may impact the ability of an owner to make system additions. Increased fire response time The total time taken from sprinkler head opens until water is discharged onto the fire is up to 60 seconds (API Group, 2003). The fire extinguishing actions will be delay for 60 seconds and caused the fire damage to the building increase. Increased corrosion potential Dry pipe sprinkler systems must be completely drained and dried. If there is water remaining inside the pipe, it will cause corrosion and premature failure. This kind of problem will not happen on wet pipe system because the water is constantly maintained in piping. 2.2.3 Pre-action system Pre-action sprinkler systems are installed in water sensitive environments such as computer rooms, library and paper records office. When in an actual fire condition, these systems will operate to save the building and its components from fire damage. It will give earliest warning if detected of combustion in the protected areas and which will arise from the action of a smoke detector. This will gives enough time for the outbreak to be dealt with satisfactorily by using portable extinguishers. The pre-action system is similar to a dry pipe system and deluge system. The difference between pre-action system and dry pipe system is that the air pressure may or may not be used for pre-action system. The difference between pre-action system and deluge system is that the valve is electronically held closed and standard closed are used for pre-action system. Two separate events must be presented to initiate sprinkler discharge onto the fire. Firstly, the detection system identifies a developing fire and then automatically sprinkler system would open the pre-action valve. When the pre-action valve is opened, it allows water to flow into system piping. Secondly, each of the sprinkler heads will verify whether there is fire then only permit water flow onto the fire. This system must be self-draining. For pre-action sprinkler system installation, the maximum numbers of sprinklers that may be fitted to an installation for light hazard is about 500, ordinary hazard and high hazard is about 1000 (Hassan, 1996). Advantages of pre-action sprinkler system The dual action required water release The dual action here means that the pre-action valve must operate and sprinkler head must fuse then only water release (API Group, 2003). This feature provides double level of protection against inadvertent discharge. With this reason, pre-action sprinkler systems are frequently installed in water sensitive areas such as book libraries, computer centers and etc. Disadvantages of pre-action sprinkler system Higher installation and maintenance cost Pre-action sprinkler systems are more complex with several additional components, such as fire detection system. Thus the installation and maintenance cost will become higher due to the additions system required. Modification difficulties Pre-action sprinkler systems have specific size limitations which may affect future system modifications (API Group, 2003). Besides that, system modifications must incorporate changes to the fire detection and control system to ensure proper operation. Potential decreased reliability The higher level of complexity with pre-action sprinkler systems the higher possibility that something may not work when needed. Regular maintenance is needed to ensure reliability. 2.2.4 Alternate wet and dry pipe system This system is used for those developments in which the water in the pipes may freeze when change in the climate and where the surrounding temperature does not exceed 70. For example, the system is operated dry in winter and wet in the summer. The system inside the pipes will be changes by following the climate, when it is dry pipe system then the pipes contain compressed air, and when it is changes to wet pipe system then the pipes are filled with water. In some cases, this system may require a duplication of the automatic alarm valves, which may be connected in parallel. The benefit of the automatic alarm valves is to facilities an easy changeover at the turn of the season. Besides that, the system must be self-draining and the number of sprinkler fitted to each installation shall be within the range 125 to 500 (Hassan, 1996). 2.2.5 Recycling system The use of this system is generally restricted to situation where it is necessary: To limit water damage after a conflagration; To prevent inadvertent water damage caused by any accident mechanical interference with the pipe work or sprinklers; and To be able to carry out work on the installation while ensuring that the system remains in a state of readiness at all times. When pre-action valve turn to open mean than the operation of any heat detector activates the alarm driven gong and primes the pipe work ready for the imminent opening of one or more sprinklers. If the fire was put out by portable extinguishers immediately, the heat detectors automatically reset to the normal monitoring position. This has the effect of initiating a hydraulic pressure equalization process which may typically take 5 minutes to complete. After this has occurred, the pre-action valve will be from opened and turn to closed. If the fire begins to rekindle, the heat detectors will be reactivated and cause the pre-action valve again be opened. After then water will be directed discharge to the source of the fire. Others installations use electrical timing units and the use of electrically interlocking circuitry is installed to ensure that the system will not operate solely because of falling air pressure in the pipe work. With this system, any accidental damage to either the pipe work, or the sprinkler heads will not cause the main valve to open. The disadvantage is when operatives working on such an installation must take care that they isolate that part of the system on which they are working from the potentially active main system. The system must be self-draining and the number of sprinklers fitted to such an installation must not exceed 1000 (Hassan, 1996). 2.2.6 Deluge system Deluge sprinkler systems are installed in high hazard operations, such as power generating station, chemical storage, munitions plants, and the areas which store items such as flammable liquids. These sprinkler systems will work together with independent fire detection systems and discharge water immediately to the protected area during a fire. The deluge sprinkler system is similar to a pre-action system. The difference between deluge sprinkler system and pre-action system is that the deluge sprinkler heads are open and the pipe is not pressurized with air. Deluge systems are connected to a water supply through a deluge valve that is opened when smoke or heat detection system is activated. The detection system is installed in the same area as the sprinklers. When the detection system is activated, water will discharges through all of the sprinkler heads onto the fire. Water is not adequate to control or extinguishment fire in areas where flammable liquids are manufactured or stored. Water is require to mixed with the foam concentrate and cause the concentrate to expand when released through the sprinkler head, it may depriving the fire source of oxygen required to support combustion of flammable materials (Hassan, 1996). 2.2.7 Tail-end alternate pipe and tail-end dry pipe systems These systems may be regarded as an add-on system to a standard sprinkler installation and they are intended to deal with comparatively small areas. In a heated buildings will served by a conventional wet pipe system, it is possible that a small part of the building is either unheated or is overheated temperatures. In order to deal with this, it is permissible to join a tail-end alternate system onto the main wet pipe system. The number of sprinklers on any tail-end extension must not exceed 100. If it is more than two tail-end extensions are services by one valve set, the total number of sprinklers in the tail-end extension must not exceed 250 (Hassan, 1996). 2.3 Benefit of fire sprinkler system Automatic fire sprinkler systems have been used to protect industrial and commercial properties for more than 100 years. Nowadays, fire sprinklers are not only installed in commercial and industrial buildings but also installed in residential buildings, office buildings, schools and hotels. Fire sprinkler systems are become common and popular that is because it is provide many benefits to us. 2.3.1 Reduce fatalities It is difficult to estimate how much safer fire sprinklers could provide in the event of fire. Based on evidence from laboratory studies and limited field experience in the United States, the studies prove that fire sprinklers could save an additional 7.7 lives per million houses per year. In addition, the evidence also proves that fire sprinklers could reduce the risk of firefighter death and injury during put out a fire. It is estimated if all the buildings were installed with fire sprinklers, about 0.1 firefighter lives could be saved per million houses per year. Thus, the study concludes that fire sprinkler could save an additional 7.8 lives per million houses per year (Rousseau, 1989). 2.3.2 Reduce injuries Based on the United Stated research, the study proves that if installation of fire sprinkler in buildings could prevent about 87 people injuries per million houses each year. The amount of firefighting injuries could also be reduced through increased installation of sprinklers by as many as 30 firefighting injuries per million houses per year. Based on American Studies, the cost to remedial per injury to a civilian or firefighter is $30,000 (Rousseau, 1989). These costs are included to pay medical bills and allowance for pain and suffering. 2.3.3 Reduce Insurance Premiums Residential fire sprinkler systems are becoming more prevalent with each passing year. If the building installed with fire sprinkler systems, it will cause the additional 1 to 2 % increase in the final cost of the house (Snyder, 2008). Besides that, municipalities must account for the increase in residential system and ensure that they are being maintained in accordance with current National Fire Protection Association standards. After installed fire sprinkler systems, they will actually save money because they can reduce home insurance rates by 5 to 15 percent (Snyder, 2008). These values are expected to be increase in the future. In the event that there is a fire, they will also save money in potential damages. 2.3.4 Increase value of the building A building constructed with fire sprinkler system has more value than a building without a fire sprinkler system. It is because a building with a fire sprinkler system provides additional fire safety for the building and thus, the building worth more and the owner could gain more profit when selling the building. 2.3.5 Reduce property damage cost According to records for decades on property damage, the owner save about 90% on property damage costs with fire sprinkler systems than those without fire sprinkler systems when a fire is happened. This is clear that a fire sprinkler system will pay for itself many times over. According to Daniel Snyder article, the average cost of damages in homes with fire sprinkler systems was about $2,000 and the average cost of damages in homes without sprinkler systems was about $45,000. 2.3.6 More time to escape Fire sprinkler systems provide an additional degree of protection for both life and property above smoke and other fire detection systems. Sprinkler systems obviously help people by giving more time for them to escape when a fire is happening, so they help to save lives. A correctly designed and installed sprinkler system can detect and control a fire at an early stage of fire development and activate an alarm. So with the correct operation of the sprinkler system will rapidly reduce the production rate of heat and smoke, thus allowing more time for the occupants to escape safety or be rescued. 2.3.7 Increase exit access travel distance capacity An increase in exit access travel distances is a major distinct advantage for buildings with sprinkler system over buildings without sprinkler system. The exit access travel distance mean the distance from any occupied portion of a building to an exit. For example, the exit is such as enclosed stairway. Depending on the occupancy of the building, anywhere from an additional 50 to 100 feet of exit access travel distance can be gained when the building is installed with fire sprinkler system (International Building Codes, 2006). Table 2.1 show the maximum travel distance between building with sprinkler and without sprinkler for different types of buildings. SEVENTH SCHEDULE MAXIMUM TRAVEL DISTANCES (By-law 165 (4), 166 (2), 167 (1), 170 (b)) Purpose Group Limit when alternative exits are available (2) (3) Dead-End limit (metre) Un- sprinklered Sprinklered Small Residential Institutional Hospitals, Nursing Homes etc, School Open Plan Flexible Plan Other Residential Hotels Flats Dormitories Office Shops Factory General and Special Purpose High Hazard Open structure Places of Assembly Storage and General Low an Ordinary hazard High Hazard Parking Garages Aircraft Hangars (Ground Floor) Aircraft hangars (Mezzanine Floor) NR 9 6 NR NR 10 10 0 15 15 15 0 NR NR NR NR 15 NR NR NR 30 45 30 45 30 30 30 45 30 30 22 NR 45 NR 22.5 30 30 22.5 NR 45 60 45 60 45 45 45 60 45 45 22.5 NR 61 NR 30 45 45 22.5 Table 2.1 (Sources from Uniform Building By-Law 1984) 2.3.8 Increase Egress capacity For the occupancies buildings which are installed with fire sprinkler systems, except high-hazard and hospital, the means of egress components can be increased 50% for the staircase width and 33% for all other egress components such as corridors, doors, ramps (International Building Codes, 2006). For example, a 44 inch of exit staircase construct in a building which is without fire sprinkler systems only can serve 146 persons, but a same 44 inch of exit staircase construct in a building which is installed with fire sprinkler system can serve 220 persons. Besides that, 44 inch corridor construct with fire sprinkler system can serve 293 persons, without fire sprinkler system can serve 220 persons. 2.3.9 Reduce construction cost As previously mention, if the new building installed with fire sprinkler systems, it will cause the additional 1 to 2 % increase in the final cost of the house. They are not only can cut low the insurance premiums but also reduce in construction cost. This is because most building codes provide large construction leeway for sprinkler buildings. For example, fewer egresses are required and larger floor areas are allowed for the building with sprinkler systems installed. This feasible design will help owners and occupants to cut down the construction cost and material cost. Further more information about the advantages of fire sprinkler system relate to benefits of construction cost saving will be explain as below: Reduction in shaft enclosures For building are not greater than 420 feet in height, the fire rating of vertical shaft such as HVAC, electrical, plumbing, trash/linen chutes, except exit enclosures and elevator hoist way enclosures, is permitted to be reduced to one hour where automatic sprinklers are installed within the shaft at the top and at alternate floor levels (International Building Codes, 2006). This can be a big cost saving in high-rise building construction. Elimination of the access vestibule for smokeproof exit staircase enclosures For high-rise building, the exit staircases off the floors located more than 75 feet above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access are required to be smokeproof exit enclosures (IBC 1020.1.7). The access are to the staircase in a smokeproof exit enclosure is required to be form an open exterior balcony (IBC section 909.20.3) or a ventilated vestibule (IBC Section 909.20.4), with a width of not less than 72 inches (IBC Section 909.20.1). If the high rise building is installed with fire sprinkler systems, under IBC section 909.20.5 is allow to eliminate the open exterior balcony and /or the ventilated vestibule requirements. This alternative saves valuable space on each floor of the building and it can be converted into rental or sellable space for the building owner. This can be a big cost saving in high-rise building construction and also gain extra profit for building owner. 2.4 Problem of fire sprinkler system Fire sprinkler systems can be used to save lives, property and others benefit, whether they used in industrial buildings, offices, or home. But automatic fire sprinkler systems also present some unique technical problems. Fortunately, such problems can be avoided by knowing the most common reasons for fire sprinkler failure. From the National Fire Sprinkler Association report, the most common reasons for fire sprinkler failure that are error sprinkler activate, overheating, freezing, mechanical damage, corrosion, or leaking. 2.4.1 Problem regarding elements of fire sprinkler Corrosion Corrosion or rust can weaken pipes and sprinkler heads. The severe corrosion problems have been commonly attributed to microbiologically influenced corrosion and known as MIC. This can result a sudden and unwelcome activation when a sprinkler pipe or head fails. The National Fire Protection Association states that building owners are responsible for replacing sprinkler components that are corroded or rusted. Corrosion of fire sprinkler piping can lead to potentially hazardous system malfunction, as well as costly water damage and repair costs. Unfortunately, inspections for MIC and corrosion are often overlooked until the problems become serious, such as damaging leaks occur or the corrosion extend to a large areas of the entire fire sprinkler system have to be replaced. This corrective maintenance approach is a retro-active strategy. The task of the maintenance team in this scenario is usually to effect repairs as soon as possible. Cost associated with corrective maintenance include repair, lost production and lost sales. Repair costs are included replacement components, labour, and consumables. Solution to corrosion of fire sprinkler A new proactive approach to fire sprinkler maintenance is available using completely non-invasive, ultrasonic technologies that from the basic of a predictive maintenance approach (Jeffrey, 2005). This approach provides a cost-effective means of detecting the presence and monitoring progression of corrosion and creating a digital record of the system state that can be used to schedule replacement of localized sections of the system before leaks or operation failure occur. Mechanical damage Fire sprinkler systems depend on the integrity of all their parts. If a sprinkler head is hit or a pipe damaged, the parts can separate and the system cannot be activate when fire is present. A common problem with sprinkler heads is damage from nearby construction of forklifts that are raised too high, accidentally knocking off sprinkler heads. Besides that, installing automatic sprinklers can also result in damage to the system if improper tools or techniques are used (Russell and Fleming, 2000). Solution to mechanical damage Fire sprinkler system must always be inspected after the works have been completed by contractor or sprinkler supplier. Homeowner must ensure all elements of the sprinklers in proper manner and without damage. 2.4.2 Problem regarding installation of fire sprinkler Freezing There are two major kinds of fire sprinkler systems which are wet pipe and dry pipe sprinkler systems. Normally wet pipe sprinkler systems are most common used to install in the build